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Zero Turn Mower Reviews

zero turn mower reviewsZero turn lawn mowers are not for the faint of heart: we’re talking serious lawn mowing here.

There are several situations when you should seriously consider buying a zero-turn lawn mower:

  1. You have a huge yard, let’s say over 2 acres of lawn to mow.
  2. Your garden is filled with obstacles such as trees, flowers or rocks.
  3. You have complicated garden arrangements.
  4. Your garden landscape is very hilly.

All these listed situations will require the highest maneuverability, and this is exactly what zero turn mowers are made for.

These mowers are considered the more advanced version of your traditional riding lawn mower thanks to their ability to rotate on themselves. Zero Turn means that these mowers don’t need any particular space to turn around. Their very particular wheels and suspension design allow them to rotate or turn without moving forward or backward.

Except for the professional models or commercial ZTR class mowers, the engines of zero-turn mowers are pretty similar to traditional riding lawn mowers.

With smaller wheels designed to have a higher turning angle, commercial ZTR mowers are able to take turns even tighter than regular zero-turn mowers. These professional lawn mowers can be quite expensive but they will last longer that any other zero turn lawn mower.

1a. Engine

zero turn mower engineThe most expensive models of zero turn lawn mowers are usually equipped with high quality engines: Kawasaki, Kohler or Briggs & Stratton.

Such high quality engines are the insurance that your zero turn lawn mower will never lack power when you’ll need it!

They deliver a higher torque than your average engine that will allow you to increase the blade rotation speed as required and will give you excellent maneuverability whenever needed.

1b. Grade Level

zero turn mower grade levelGrade level should be your prime concern when purchasing a zero-turn lawn mower since it will have a huge impact on the overall quality of your lawn mower.

The first grade mowers, even if they do a very good job at mowing your lawn, have a lower quality and will generally be less durable than higher grade models.

On the other end of the spectrum, you have Commercial and Semi Pro models which are usually more expensive. The upside is that they will be larger, allowing you to mow your whole lawn even faster, however they might require a little more maintenance to stay in mint condition.

1c. Distance Between Obstacles

zero turn mower distance between obstaclesWhen choosing your zero-turn mower, you should pay attention to the actual distance between the obstacles in your garden. If obstacles are too close to each other, the biggest zero turn mowers won’t be able to pass between them

In that case, you probably won’t have much choice but to purchase a small ZTR mower might be a better fit for your garden than the professional models.

1d. Suspension

zero turn mower suspensionEntry level zero turn mowers may be equipped with semi-suspension that will make your lawn mowing a lot smoother than if it didn’t have any suspension at all.

However, you probably won’t find an entry level mower equipped with a full suspension. These are usually reserved to bigger models such as commercial ZTR.

The upside of have a suspension system, whether it be full suspension or even semi suspension, is that your mowing height will be a lot more consistent, even if your garden is too hilly.

1e. Deck Size

zero turn mower deck sizeThe deck size of your zero turn lawn mower should be on the top of your list when it comes to the most important specifications of your mower.

To make it simple: the larger the deck of your mower, the wider the cutting width will be. When your mower is able to cut through a wider area of grass, it means that you will need less time to mow your whole lawn.

The downside of having a wider zero turn mower is that it will be a little more difficult to maneuver around and between obstacles such as trees.

Husqvarna RZ3016 11110

Husqvarna RZ3016

The Husqvarna RZ3016 has a lot of really great features that make it an ideal zero turn mower for use on a residential property that has more than 1/2 acre but less than a full acre of grass to cut. The fact that it is a zero turn mower means that it will be one [...]

Pros: Heavy duty front caster assembly.

Cons: Rear tires may make ruts in lawn.

Stanley 54ZS 11110.5

Stanley 54ZS

The Stanley 54ZS is a gas powered commercial grade zero turn mower with a Kawasaki FR691V series, 726 cubic centimeter engine that delivers a full 24 HP. The engine is cooled with forced air and has a 90 degree V-twin, four cylinder design and pressurized lubrication for more efficient performance. It has electronic spark ignition [...]

Pros: Great safety features.

Cons: Requires some maintenance.

Swisher ZT2760B 11110.5

Swisher ZT2760B

The Swisher ZT2760B has the kind of maneuverability that zero turn mowers are famous for. It has a Dual Eaton manufactured hydrostatic transmission that is designed to provide high quality performance for the best possible maneuverability. This mower can turn on its central axis 360 degrees without stopping or slowing down, which means it will [...]

Pros: Massive 60-in cutting deck.

Cons: Low grade ball bearings.

Husqvarna RZ4621 11110

Husqvarna RZ4621

The Husqvarna RZ4621 has lots of great aspects to it that make it a great machine for residential use on a property that has an acre or more of grass that needs cutting. First off, because it is a zero turn mower, it has better maneuverability than any other grass cutting machine out there. Zero [...]

Pros: Big 46 inch cutting deck.

Cons: Blades need regular sharpening.

Swisher ZT2452A 11110

Swisher ZT2452A

The Swisher ZT2452A is a zero turn riding mower with a Briggs & Stratton Extended Life System V-twin engine with an electric starter. The engine is manufactured by one of the leading manufacturers in the industry, so you can be certain it will provide the kind of power needed to keep this machine working well [...]

Pros: Powerful ELS engine.

Cons: Problems with sloping terrain.

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