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Snapper 1695880 SS822E Review

Snapper 1695880 SS822E

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snapper 1695880 ss822e

One of the most useful tools you could own is a gas powered, single stage snow blower. When winter is dropping copious amounts of snow on your area, you do not want to be caught unprepared. You want a machine in your garage that you can rely on to help you clear your driveway quickly and without too much work on your part. If you have a paved driveway, a single stage snow blower is the way to go.

With a gas powered model, you are getting the kind of serious power that you need in order to be able to rely on the snow blower to get the job done, no matter how big it is. Gas snow blowers are more powerful than electric models, which allows them to support wider augers and clear heavier snow without slowing down. The Snapper 1695880 SS822E is just that kind of snow blower.

Review Summary

review summaryThe Snapper 1695880 SS822E is the kind of single-stage snow blower that will be able to make short work of big jobs. It does not matter how wider your driveway is, with the Snapper 1695880 SS822E in your garage, you will be able to clear snow from it in less time than you could with most other single stage snow blowers. And with the kind of serious per-minute clearance capacity that is well above average for a single stage snow blower, you will be able to rely on the Snapper 1695880 SS822E no matter how tough conditions are on the ground.

The Snapper 1695880 SS822E is able to clear a high volume of snow quickly because it is supported by one of the best engines in the business. It’s got a Briggs & Stratton engine, which means that you will be able to rely on it for many years without having to do too much maintenance to keep it running smoothly. And the Snapper 1695880 SS822E is made of durable parts that will also hold up over the long term. But perhaps best of all, the Snapper 1695880 SS822E packs all of that snow clearing power into a compact package that will be easier to maneuver and find storage space for.


review specificationsThe Snapper 1695880 SS822E is a single stage gas powered snow blower with an electric starter. It weighs just over 100 pounds and has compact dimensions of 22 x 36 x 22 inches. Still, it has an impressive snow clearing ability: it can move up to 1100 pounds of snow per minute.

Dimensions22 x 36 x 22 inches
StartButton push
Engine ManufacturerBriggs & Stratton
Engine205 cc – OHV
2-cycle / 4-cycle4-cycle
Clearing Width22 inches
Snow Cut Depth12.5 inches
Capacity / MinuteUp to 1100 pounds
Throw DistanceUp to 30 feet
DriveManual push
Chute ControlManual 200°
WheelsCompact wheels
Weight104.7 pounds
Warranty2 years

That’s because the Snapper 1695880 SS822E has a wide clearance – at 22 inches – and a high snow cut depth. But it’s also because the Snapper 1695880 SS822E has a Briggs & Stratton overhead valve engine with a displacement of 205 cubic centimeters. It is designed ergonomically to save your back and shoulders, and has a reasonable price and two year warranty.


review descriptionThe Snapper 1695880 SS822E comes almost completely assembled, so you will not have to spend a whole lot of time putting it together once you get it out of the box. All you have to do it get the handle attached – which can be done in a matter of minutes using just ordinary household tools. It comes with oil already added, so all you have to do is gas it up and it’s ready to go. And because the Snapper 1695880 SS822E has an electric start, you will not have to struggle with priming the engine and tugging on a heavy starter cord. When it’s cold outside, you want your snow blower to start right away, and the Snapper 1695880 SS822E does – every time.

The Snapper 1695880 SS822E is a snow blower with some serious snow clearing capacity. At 1100 pounds per minute, the Snapper 1695880 SS822E can clear more snow than the average single stage snow blower, and is even competitive with a lot of two-stage snow blowers in this category. And it has a very wide clearance, which along with its per-minute capacity will allow you to finish clearing your driveway more quickly than ever before. The Snapper 1695880 SS822E can clear a medium sized single car driveway in under a half an hour – and when it’s cold outside, every minute really counts.

The Snapper 1695880 SS822E is made of durable materials that are going to hold up over the long term. This is not a snow blower that will lose performance after a few years of use. And because I has a powerful Briggs & Stratton engine under the hood, it is going to keep delivering quality operation for much longer than that. This is a snow blower that is built to last. That’s exactly what you want in your garage when winter starts getting really serious. The Snapper 1695880 SS822E is a great snow blower.


review prosThere is a lot to love on the Snapper 1695880 SS822E. This is a snow blower that has everything you need to take care of serious snow clearing jobs in less time and with less work on your part. The snow blower has a wide clearance, a high performance engine, and is made with the kind of materials that are going to last for a long time. But it also is not so bulky that it will be hard to use.

  1. Wide clearance : A wide clearance is really important on a snow blower: this is the feature that is going to allow you to finish clearing a big driveway in fewer passes, which will save you a lot of time and effort in the long run. With a clearance width of nearly two feet, the Snapper 1695880 SS822E is designed to keep the number of passes you have to make to a minimum – and it’s wider than just about any other single stage snow blower.
  2. Briggs & Stratton engine : Briggs & Stratton has a well deserved reputation as one of the best manufacturers of small engines in the world. And because the Snapper 1695880 SS822E has a powerful Briggs & Stratton engine under its hood, you know that you can count on it to deliver reliable power for a long time. This engine won’t need to be serviced as often as other brands, and it will keep running smoothly and providing plenty of power for many years.
  3. Great capacity : The snow clearing capacity on the Snapper 1695880 SS822E is truly impressive. This snow blower can clear 1100 pounds of snow per minute. That is definitely high for single stage snow blowers, but it’s also quite impressive when you include two-stage snow blowers as well. The high clearance capacity means that even when snow is slushy and heavy, the Snapper 1695880 SS822E will have no problems taking care of it: it won’t get bogged down and can still throw snow just as far.
  4. Solid parts : When you buy a new snow blower, you want to be sure that it is going to last for a very long time. And for it to be able to do that, it’s going to need to be made from some seriously durable parts. The Snapper 1695880 SS822E is. It has an auger made of durable reinforced plastic that will hold up to tough conditions for a long time. And its body is made of tough composite plastic.
  5. Compact size : Even though it boasts some serious snow clearing capacity and has a tough engine under the hood, the Snapper 1695880 SS822E is a surprisingly compact and lightweight snow blower. Its footprint is very small for a snow blower that can clear 1100 pounds of snow per minute, which means it will be easier to store in your garage without it taking up too much space. And at just about 100 pounds, it weighs a lot less than other snow blowers that have comparable capacities.

I think you will agree that the Snapper 1695880 SS822E has pretty much everything you will need to keep your driveway clear of snow this winter and for many winters to come. With its durable parts, high quality engine and serious snow clearing capacity, this is the kind of snow blower you definitely want in your garage when winter really gets going strong. The Snapper 1695880 SS822E is a snow blower that you can rely on when the going gets tough.


review consIn light of all of those outstanding features, it is hard to believe that there are a few areas in which the Snapper 1695880 SS822E may be a bit less than perfect. While it still remains one of the better single stage snow blowers out there, there is room for slight improvements in a couple of places. But overall I do not think that any of these Cons really can take away from all of the great Pros.

  1. Not CARB compliant : When you are dealing with a powerful gas snow blower with a four cycle OHV engine under the hood, you are going to have a hard time complying with California Air Resources Board emissions standards. Those standards are pretty strict, and if you really want the kind of serious power you need, it’s going to be difficult to build an engine that does not produce emissions. The main reason this is a Con is because it prevents a lot of people from buying this great snow blower.
  2. May get bogged down in deep snow : The snow cut depth on the Snapper 1695880 SS822E is just slightly higher than a foot, which in most cases will be more than sufficient for whatever snow fall you get in your area. But every once in a while, winter throws a severe blizzard your way, and snow can pile up to deeper levels. When that happens, the Snapper 1695880 SS822E may get bogged down a bit, which just means that you will have to go a bit slower.
  3. Few accessories : There are not a whole lot of bells and whistles on the Snapper 1695880 SS822E. This is a very simply designed snow blower, and one that will not have too many extra features. That is not altogether a bad thing; it helps keep the Snapper 1695880 SS822E affordable and more streamlined. But it would be nice if it came equipped with drift cutters for deeper snow or a headlight for when you are clearing snow on dark mornings.
  4. May leave a thin layer of snow : Occasionally, the Snapper 1695880 SS822E will leave behind a thin layer of snow, because it sometimes tends to kick a small amount of snow out the back while you are using it. This is a common issue on lots of single stage snow blowers, though. And it is easily solved by clearing deeper snow and then putting down a layer of rock salt to melt whatever may be left behind. So while it’s a Con, it isn’t a major one.
  5. May be hard to push : When the Snapper 1695880 SS822E is not turned on and the auger is not engaged, it may be a bit difficult to push it, in part because it weighs 100 pounds. When it is being operated, though, the auger on the snow blower helps to propel it, so this is not a problem you have to deal with while you are using it. But getting it in and out of the garage may be a bit tricky.

As you can see, there are not any really serious problems associated with the Snapper 1695880 SS822E. This is a very solid snow blower that is as well built as it is smartly designed, and as a result it will have no trouble clearing moderate amounts of snow from medium or even larger driveways. It has plenty of great features that help make it one of the best single stage snow blowers on the market today.

Product Comparison

review comparisonOne of the best ways to get a very good sense of whether or not a particular snow blower is the right one for you is by doing some comparison shopping. This way, you know what the market as a whole has to offer as well as how well that snow blower stacks up to the competition. The following table compares the Snapper 1695880 SS822E with two similar models made by its competitors. Let’s take a look.

 Snapper 1695880 SS822ESnapper 1695880
Toro Power Clear 418Toro Power Clear
Poulan Pro PR521Poulan Pro
Dimensions22 x 36 x 22 inches19.5 x 34.6 x 21.2 inches26.5 x 31.2 x 24.5 inches
StartButton pushButton pushButton push
Engine ManufacturerBriggs & StrattonToroPoulan Pro
Engine205 cc – OHV87 cc136 cc – OHV
2-cycle / 4-cycle4-cycle4-cycle4-cycle
Clearing Width22 inches18 inches21 inches
Snow Cut Depth12.5 inches10 inches13 inches
Capacity / MinuteUp to 1100 poundsUp to 650 poundsUp to 1100 pounds
Throw DistanceUp to 30 feetUp to 25 feetUp to 25 feet
DriveManual pushManual pushManual push
Chute ControlManual 200°Manual 180°Manual 180°
WheelsCompact wheelsCompact wheelsCompact wheels
Weight104.7 pounds65 pounds81 pounds
Warranty2 years2 years2 years

As you can see, the Snapper 1695880 SS822E has the widest clearance of the three, and a comparable intake to the others. It also has one of the highest per-minute clearance capacities. That’s because it is the only one of the three that boasts a powerful Briggs & Stratton engine – and that is no small difference. That means that the Snapper 1695880 SS822E will be a snow blower that you will be able to rely on for the long term.


review conclusionBuying a new snow blower is no small thing, and you want to be sure you are getting the best one for your needs. With that in mind, I think it would be a good idea to revisit the Pros and Cons lists one more time before you decide to make your purchase.

Conclusion Pros

  1. Wide clearance.
  2. Briggs & Stratton engine.
  3. Great capacity.
  4. Solid parts.
  5. Compact size.

With a very wide clearance and great per-minute capacity – both supported by one of the best engines in the business – the Snapper 1695880 SS822E is going to be a snow blower that really delivers. And it is built to last, so you know that you will be able to rely on it for years to come.

Conclusion Cons

  1. Not CARB compliant.
  2. May get bogged down in deep snow.
  3. Few accessories.
  4. May leave a thin layer of snow.
  5. May be hard to push.

None of these Cons really present any of the serious problems that would limit the performance or durability of the Snapper 1695880 SS822E in any meaningful way. Overall, and in spite of these few minor drawbacks, the Snapper 1695880 SS822E is still a very solid snow blower that will definitely deliver great performance.

Final Word

In the end, it all comes down to how much snow the Snapper 1695880 SS822E will clear, and how long you can count on it to continue to deliver reliable performance. And with one of the highest per-minute clearance capacities you can find on any snow blower, not just single stage models, the Snapper 1695880 SS822E is going to clear a lot of snow. Beyond that, it has durable parts and an engine made by Briggs & Stratton, so you it is definitely going to last for a long time.

The Snapper 1695880 SS822E is hands down one of the best single stage snow blowers on the market today. It has all of the features you need to get snow cleared quickly and efficiently every time, no matter the conditions. This is a snow blower that you are going to be able to count on when the worst winter weather comes your way. The Snapper 1695880 SS822E is an excellent snow blower.

Best Price

review pricesOne of the best things about the Snapper 1695880 SS822E is the fact that it delivers all of that power and performance without costing a whole lot. This is a snow blower that will be accessible to households on a budget, which in this economy is really important. And even though it has a very affordable price tag, the Snapper 1695880 SS822E is still loaded with all of the great features that you need to be able to clear a lot of snow fast. It is very well designed and the manufacturer did not cut any corners in terms of design or parts. This is a solid snow blower at a great price.

Snapper 1695880 SS822E

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