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Lawn Mower Reviews

lawn mower reviewsReading countless lawn mower reviews in search of the right lawn mower can be a frustrating experience…

There are so many lawn mower models available that going through the characteristics of all of them can literally take days. In order to make this task easier for you, I’ve decided to put together an incredible number of lawn mower reviews.

I’ve been gardening for a very long time, and I’m always proud of having a carefully manicured lawn. As a result, my neighbors are always asking me for advice about lawn mowers and mowing in general.

You may be interested in buying a brand new lawn mower, upgrade or repair your current lawn mower, or just searching for more information about lawn mowers before deciding which model you want to buy.

Selecting your lawn mower doesn't have much to do with power, size or technology. Your main goal is to have a beautifully manicured lawn and to have a lawn mower that will keep working for a very long time.

Assessing your needs must be your primary focus when reviewing lawn mowers. First, you should evaluate your lawn size. Then, you should decide if you will take your lawn mower along with you from your main house to your vacation home. Finally, what are the most important things for you: eco-friendly, low noise, easy maintenance…

After deciding the most important aspects for you, you should select a few lawn mower models based on these criteria.

In order to make your section among all the available lawn mower models, I invite you to browse our extensive index of lawn mower reviews.

Even though, I am putting hours of work into each lawn mower review, it’s important to keep in mind that some aspects of my reviews might look subjective to you. I am trying my best to put together information that will answer everyone’s question.

If you feel that I missed something in my reviews, feel free to contact me. I love hearing feedback from my website’s visitors. It helps me improve.

To get the best out of my lawn mower reviews, you should always keep your own needs in mind. It is the best way to make sure you’ll find the right lawn mower: long lasting, effective and dependable.

1a. Yard Size

lawn mower yard sizeThe size of the yard you’re planning to mow is one of the truly essential aspects to evaluate. The size of your future lawn mower will directly depend on the size of your yard. If you fail to evaluate your yard size properly, you might need more than two passes to cut grass to the required length.

A walk-behind mower is the best choice if your yard is up to 3/4 of an acre. If your yard is over 3/4 of an acre, you should consider a self-propelled lawn mower or a garden tractor. Finally, if you have a lot of trees or flowers in your garden, you might be interested in a zero turn mower that will allow you to easily navigate around your yard.

1b. Landscape

lawn mower landscapeThe landscape of your garden is the second very important aspect of your lawn mower selection. To easily evaluate the kind of terrain you have in your garden is to walk from one end of your yard to the other end. If you can easily walk from one garden side to the other without losing your breath, you most likely have a flat yard. If the walk is harder, and you have difficulties climbing slopes, you most likely have a hilly yard.

If your yard is flat, a walk-behind lawn mower will probably be enough. On the other hand, if you have a hilly garden, pushing a lawn mower can turn into a painful experience. In that case, you should consider a self-propelled lawn mower. If it’s almost impossible to walk up your garden or if you have a huge yard, you will need a ride-on mower.

1c. Special Features

lawn mower special featuresMost modern lawn mowers are packed with a plethora of optional add-on features. Some of these special features can prove to be useful, but a lot of them are probably not needed. Once again, it’s important to assess your needs beforehand. By spending a few minutes to define which features you need before selecting your lawn mower, you’ll be able to differentiate the useful features and the ones that will add zero value to your future lawn mower.

You should decide beforehand if you need a rear bag, a mulching insert and a mulching blade if you want to use grass clips to naturally fertilize some parts of your garden. If you plan to buy a battery-operated electric lawn mower, do you need 1 or 2 extra batteries to be able to mow your whole yard at once? There are many questions you should ask yourself before buying your new lawn mower.

1d. Engine

lawn mower engineYour lawn mower’s engine should never be overlooked! The power of your mower engine will determine how quickly you can mow your way through your whole yard. If you opt for a very powerful engine / blade attachment combination, you will be able to easily cut through 6 inches of grass or even more. However, you might not need such a powerful engine and a smaller lawn mower will be enough to cut through your 3 inches grass.

Some company are producing some extremely robust lawn mower engines. Keep in mind that by selecting a renowned brand, you’ll end up with a tougher mower engine that will last longer while producing consistent powerful mowing rotation.

1e. Maintenance

lawn mower maintenanceBuying a lawn mower is not a small investment for most people. Once you’ve bought your new lawn mower, you certainly don’t want it to regularly break down. It is essential to read lawn mower reviews to determine how much maintenance a lawn mower needs to stay in a high performance state.

Make sure you pick a sturdy lawn mower that requires minimal maintenance, this way you won’t have to spend a lot of time taking care of your mower and you’ll be able to actually mow your lawn!

1f. Warranty

lawn mower warrantyThe last aspect to consider before buying a new lawn mower is the warranty. Don’t forget that your lawn mower is only as good as its warranty. After the expiration of your mower’s warranty, you won’t be able to receive further help from the manufacturer.

As a rule of thumb, smaller lawn mowers usually come with a limited 1 year warranty. While more expensive models by big brands will carry a better warranty (usually 2 years).

A difficulty you face when choosing a new lawn mower is exploring the different kind of lawn mower available nowadays.

To make things easier for you, I’ve organized all the lawn mower reviews in several sections: electric lawn mower reviews, gas lawn mower reviews, reel mower reviews, riding lawn mower reviews and zero turn mower reviews.

2a. Electric Lawn Mower Reviews

electric lawn mower reviewsThe first type of lawn mowers I reviewed is: Electric Lawn Mowers. The source of energy for this type of lawn mower is electricity. This group can be divided in 2 sub-categories: push lawn mowers and self-propelled lawn mowers. The latter, as the name implies needs a lot less effort to mow a lawn.

The classic electric lawn mowers are operating with an electric cord plugged in a power socket. However, thanks to big improvements in battery technology, a new generation of cordless electric lawn mower appeared.

  • Best Use: Lawns of up to 3/4 of an acre, grass height of 6 inches or less.
  • Pros: Low noise, low energy usage, high efficiency, no emissions.
  • Cons: Battery life, power cord, power issues in high grass.

2b. Gas-Powered Lawn Mower Reviews

gas powered lawn mower reviewsGas-Powered Lawn Mowers can also be divided in 2 sub-categories: push gas lawn mowers and self-propelled gas lawn mowers.

This type of lawn mowers generally operate with a four stroke combustion engine. This engine configuration provides a higher torque that allows these lawn mowers to easily cut through 6 inches of grass in a single pass.

  • Best Use: 1 acre of lawn or less, grass height up to 6 inches.
  • Pros: No power loss even with tough grass blades.
  • Cons: Very noisy, high emissions, high maintenance.

2c. Reel Lawn Mower Reviews

reel mower reviewsReel lawn mowers are the oldest lawn mower design available these days. This type of lawn mower is eco-friendly (no emissions), and operates on the energy you generate by pushing the mower forward. This forward motion is converted in a circle motion for the blades that cut through the grass.

  • Best Use: Small flat lawns, grass height up to 3 inches.
  • Pros: Low noise, eco-friendly, low maintenance.
  • Cons: Doesn’t work in high grass, exhausting.

2d. Garden or Lawn Tractor Mower Reviews

garden or tractor mower reviewsThis type of lawn mower is designated by several names: lawn tractors, garden tractors, riding mowers, ride-on mowers or even mini-tractors. These lawn mowers are small vehicles you can sit on and drive around your garden.

These mowers are perfect to mow your lawn if your garden landscape is huge, hilly, and has many steep slopes since they are self-propelled and you don’t need to push them around.

  • Best Use: Lawns of up to 1 or 2 acres, limited trees and flowers.
  • Pros: Effortless, fast, highly efficient with difficult landscapes.
  • Cons: Very noisy, high emissions, expensive maintenance, poor maneuverability.

2e. Zero Turn Lawn Mower Reviews

zero turn lawn mower reviewsA zero turn lawn mower is similar to a ride-on mower on many aspects. The major difference is that it depends on rear wheels and a rear engine drive which gives the mower a zero degrees turning radius. This high maneuverability allows you to navigate between trees and flowers very easily.

Combine this maneuverability with its high power and you’ll be able to mow huge surfaces of grass without having to worry about the slopes and obstacles.

  • Best Use: Huge lawns with difficult landscape or crowded space (trees, bushes, flowers, rocks…).
  • Pros: Effortless, fast, highly efficient with difficult landscapes.
  • Cons: Expensive maintenance, high energy consumption.

I hope you appreciate this introduction to lawn mower reviews. Visit each section to get more targeted information about each type of lawn mower reviews.

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